Saving and Investing for Christian Workers

by Chris Sheldon
Posted on 1st November 2016

Recently a retired missionary said 'I wish I had been told earlier that I should plan and save for my long term future'.

Becoming a missionary or a church worker is a wonderful calling, but it doesn't mean that we should forget about our future. After all, Paul continued tent making throughout his ministry, so that he wouldn't be a burden to others.

If a missionary is relying on gifts from others to live there are some who will question whether that should include enough to save. In our view it certainly should. After all, a 'labourer is worthy of his hire' Luke 10.7.

Savings can make a huge difference to a missionary, particularly at the end of their period of service. There might be a need to return home, and with that an important period of adjustment. Or a time to think, plan and then apply for further work. And then there is retirement itself, and the need to have a home to live in.

Your choices now can make a big difference

At Kingdom Bank we look after the needs of missionaries and church workers in two important ways. First of all we offer a range of savings accounts with different interest rates and lengths of deposit. Not only do we look after your money safely, we also operate within our Mission Statement: 'Glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ by providing distinctive savings and mortgage products, building His Kingdom and changing lives'. We would be delighted to help you to save, please contact us to find out more about the range of savings accounts we offer.

Then there are Buy to Let mortgages. As well as mortgages to help with the growth and development of churches, we specialise in Buy to Let mortgages for missionaries and church workers. We work with you when agreeing the mortgage to help ensure that payments are affordable, and that the rental amount helps towards the mortgage costs. The aim is to help you invest in property to give you options in the future. You could sell the property to give a lump sum or use the proceeds to towards buying a home. You could even keep the investment property to pay an income in retirement. Don't forget the value of your property can go down as well as up.

Again, if you are interested in exploring these options, please contact us on 0115 921 7250, or email us at We would be delighted to help you plan your long term saving.

Disclaimer: This column is for general information only and does not constitute investment, tax, legal or other form of advice. You should not rely on this information to make (or refrain from making) any decisions. Always obtain independent, professional advice for your own particular situation.

Chris Sheldon is Chief Executive of Kingdom Bank, a UK-based independent Christian bank with a 50-year heritage, providing a range of financial services to suit individuals as well as charities, businesses, associations and trusts. For further details, see